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Opening MicroCon 2023 with a memorable evening

Photo du rédacteur: Olivier MartinezOlivier Martinez

It was in a large and beautiful house opening onto a huge park that Her Majesty Queen Carolyn of Ladonia gave a reception last night.

Her Majesty Queen Carolyn of Ladonia surrounded by representatives of Aigues-Mortes and Slabovia last night.

Queen Carolyn was dressed in a magnificent dress draped in royal blue to welcome all the Gotha of the micronations participating in MicroCon 2023.

From 7 o'clock in the evening, the guests followed each other to discover a table generous in delicacies and all the members of the Court of the Queen had been called upon to welcome the guests in a most convivial atmosphere. If the evening promises to be diplomatic and rather formal at first glance, the latter was above all friendly and relaxed. The “elders” were happy to meet again. The hugs reflected the great friendship that each of them shares. The novices of the MicroCon have for their part created a nice surprise, by presenting themselves in their most beautiful trappings, thus showing their enthusiasm.

Among the new delegations present at MicroCon, the representatives of the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia made a strong impression.

Among the new delegations present at MicroCon, the representatives of the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia made a strong impression.

Baroness Alexandra de Mars

In terms of elegance, this reception was up to par. We noted that all the guests without exception had made a point of honoring their host, Queen Carolyn. The uniforms of the Slabovian delegation and that of the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia caused a sensation. Grand Duchess Julianna of Ruritania wore a beige and gold outfit that suited her perfectly, the sparkling Baroness Alexandra of Mars wore a delicious black and orange feathered headdress that no one could miss. The delegation of Molossia did not fail either with its legendary kindness and benevolence, which makes it a micronation inspiring happiness. We noted the perfect elegance of the royal family of Amethonia and of the Prince of Aigues-Mortes and his Chamberlain, who were dressed in a green tuxedo as a reminder of the flag of Ladonia and in honor of Queen Carolyn.

Several American and Canadian media were present at this reception to interview Queen Carolyn and several micronational personalities. The reporters' questions were kind and genuinely centered on the understanding and origins of micronations. A strong approach appreciated by the micronationalists interviewed.

This opening evening and diplomatic meetings is therefore a successful mission for Her Majesty Queen Carolyn.

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