Just as Slowjamastan had its beginnings, the Principality of Baobabs founded on July 14, 2023 in Togo is an unexpected revelation which already deserves its place in the big leagues. If micronations are often perceived as fun or formal experiences, this young principality stands out for its humanitarian and ecological action of exceptional scale.

A Concrete Humanitarian Commitment
In just over a year of existence, the Principality of Baobabs has implemented notable charitable initiatives, particularly in the field of health. In October 2024, she actively participated in the “Pink October” campaign by leading breast cancer awareness actions on social networks and at the Totsi market in Lomé. This initiative aimed to encourage early detection and thus reduce the mortality rate associated with this disease in Togo.
Furthermore, the Principality is also involved in the fight against glaucoma. In partnership with the Togolese associations Juna Togo and Le Cierge, it works to raise awareness and prevent this eye disease which can lead to blindness.

An Exceptional Micronational Budget thanks to a network of solid partners.
One of the major particularities of the Principality of Baobabs is its budget. At €81,400, it is one of the largest in the micronational sphere. These funds mainly come from the organic agricultural production that the micronation produces on these lands.

Questioned by microcosme.info, HSH Prince Carmel Max, told us that the treasure of the Principality is constituted by the sale of its thousands of liters of palm wine and Sodabi, a local liqueur to partner companies supporting their societal project .
In 2024, in the field of culture and under the leadership of His Serene Highness, the Principality launched a general publishing house and should count on the French Embassy in Togo and the International Organization of La Francophonie. The latter having given their agreement in principle to finance part of the 5 books that the micronation will publish this year.
The Principality of Baobabs brilliantly demonstrates that it is possible for a micronation to grow and take concrete action on its large-scale projects thanks to its ability to find the right partners to support it.
An Ecological and Social Commitment
The Principality also participated in the sixth edition of the “A Day on the Farm” event in September 2024. During this event, the Prime Minister, David Cudjoe Amekudzi, announced financial and logistical support for the 2025 edition, including the provision of mobile toilets and an ambulance for health emergencies. In addition, ecological education is one of the priorities of the Principality, which seeks to instill strong environmental awareness in young Togolese people.
A Historic Application for Microfrancophonie and a desire to open up to other micronations
In a process of international recognition, the Principality of the Baobabs recently submitted an application for membership in the Organization de la Microfrancophonie (OMF), an intermicronational organization created in 2015 to promote cooperation between French-speaking micronations. If its application is accepted, the Principality will become the third African micronation and the very first from Togo to join this organization.
Diplomatic meetings are seriously being studied, the Prince and his minister of state intend to go to Ivory Coast this year to meet representatives of several micronations and an official visit from Prince Jean-Pierre IV of Aigues-Mortes is also under study. HSH, Prince Carmel-Max has also confirmed his presence at the MES 2025 European summit which will take place in Romkerhall in Germany at the beginning of August.

An Inspiring Micronation
By combining humanitarian commitment, ecological action and desire for international recognition, there is no doubt that the Principality of the Baobabs has created a nice surprise in the “Micro-World”.
Its ability to carry out concrete projects eloquently demonstrates that a micronation can play a significant role in local development. All you need to do is find the right partners for the right projects, but above all, do things with your heart.
