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The Micro Extravaganza

Photo du rédacteur: Olivier MartinezOlivier Martinez

Dernière mise à jour : 14 févr. 2022

Eccentricity and humor in the world of micronations

The Flamboyant Prince Beau Freï Balthazar Séraphine du Lorenzburg

It takes everything to make a world. This is also found in the universe of micronations which is a huge space dedicated to the imagination. Creating a country is already in itself an act of creativity in which micronationalists very often imagine the society in which they would like to live.

But this artistic abundance that can be seen in the micronational world is also witness to a desire to stand out, to seduce an audience and more importantly for some: To attract the attention of the media. You must understand that all of this creation only makes sense if it is exposed. Because being exposed and being talked about is quite simply a form of recognition necessary to exist.

To say that all micronations use fantasy would be a lie. If we take the case of Seborga, we are rather on an identity claim.

HIM Emperor Franck of Basse-Chesnaie

Other micronations grow for ecological, societal, sometimes religious reasons or according to the historical passions of their founders. We could take here the example of Emperor Franck de la Basse-Chesnaie, a fan of Napoleon, or Emperor Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia, who was inspired by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

But we will focus in this article on this "microextravagant" movement that combines eccentricity, optimism and humor to offer a sweet madness in a world hit by anxiety-provoking news on our television sets.

The dictators of deserts

Among the pioneers who seduce by their eccentric shift, we can easily speak of President Kevin Baugh of Molossia (Nevada). An emblematic figure of micronationalism who welcomes tourists to his country dressed in a uniform giving him the look of a Middle Eastern dictator. This mockery of power has made him a veritable micronational star and the most publicized micronationalist in America. His concept of dictator in a desert country still inspires other micronationalists like Travis McKendry with his Calsahara (California), then recently appeared Sultan Randy Williams of Slowjamastan (California).

Left to right, Kevin Baugh, Travis McKendry and Randy Williams.

The concept of the sympathetic dictator works well in America. On the other side of the Atlantic, the "micro extravagant" prefer to parody monarchies. The first reason is linked to the historical past of the old continent. In Europe, anything that closely or remotely recalls people like Franco, Mussolini, Hitler or Pétain remains very sensitive for a significant part of public opinion.

The second reason is identical to that of the dictators of the American deserts: the folklore around the character. It must be recognized that one has all the more chance of arousing interest if one wears beautiful ribbons, jewels and medals, even if it means looking like a Christmas tree.

HSH Prince Beau Freï of Lorenzburg

For the "micro extravagant", it is not by dressing like Mao-Tse-Tung that you will bring the cameras to your home. But above all, it's less funny and much less spectacular for your ego.

One can be "micro extravagant" either by the outfit, but also by the establishment of absurd rituals. Several cases have interested us for the writing of this article.

In terms of extravagant and artistic attire, first place goes without context to His Serene Highness, Prince Beau Freï Balthazar Seraphine of Lorenzburg (Sweden). His concept of micronation is mainly access on an artistic expression. Her extravagant outfits are sometimes the subject of cleavage between extravagant microphones and other more conservative ones. But the fact remains that everyone knows him and that his popularity at home in Sweden is undoubtedly linked to his image.

The Princess of Aigues-Mortes (France) is also a personality that you may not easily forget. This atypical consort is arguably a fine example of micro extravagance. She made a name for herself thanks to her quirky humor and bad taste on several occasions. Just like Prince Beau Freï, she enjoys a very high level of sympathy among her fellow citizens.

HSH, Princess Olivia-Eugénie of Aigues-Mortes posing on the poster for the grand princely ball of the golden bucket

As we mentioned earlier, installing absurdity is also a form of "micro extravagance" to draw attention to oneself. In this area, we have chosen to tell you about Bruno Schlatter, the King of Noseland, the land of the nose. A monarchy again, but anarchist this time. Among these fundamental goals, this funny Swiss monarch has the very serious mission of creating a global perfume with his nose.

King Bruno in full olfactory procession

King Bruno does not dress ostentatiously, but he knows how to challenge with these burlesque demonstrations around his favorite theme: His nose. Nothing visual but something fun and totally quirky to tell. The result is that it also works very well with people.

Microextravagance is an inseparable part of micronationalism. This is a part that contributes to making it more user-friendly and certainly more accepted.

It is above all the proof that micronationalism is a space of freedom of expression, of creation where everyone does not need to find their place, but can create it with all that the imagination can offer.

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